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In the words of some of the students I have had the pleasure of working with over the years…



“Mr. Kier assigned weekly journals on a myriad of topics that challenged us to think critically. These journals challenged me at times but it also fueled my love of writing. Through reflections and revisions I was able to cultivate and refine my writing to get it to the next level. Mr. Kier would take the time to comment on my work and motivate me to always do better. His guidance was not restricted solely to academic matters as he also encouraged me to be the best that I can be. Mr. Kier encouraged me and pushed me to practice my public speaking, chair interviews, and to help run workshops. Through my experiences with Mr. Kier I learned that truly great things happen when you get out of your comfort zone. This is a lesson that I have carried with me and applied to my everyday life.”

          ~ Edwin


“He went above and beyond when it came to us, he never said no when we asked for help. What I loved about Brett was his commitment to the students. He always took his time to make sure a student is doing well academically, emotionally, physically and mentally. Brett was our father in the sense that he always looked out for us without us even asking. He taught me a lot through the four years I was a youth leader, both academically and personally. The trust I have in Brett is huge in the sense that I know if I ever need Brett’s guidance, support, motivation, advice, or any other reason, he will be there.”
          ~ Diana


 “Brett was always an empathetic listener and provided thoughtful guidance and support. He made sure that I was on a positive path to reach my goals. Brett helped me to realize that my education constituted the key to my future success and encouraged me to study hard and do well so that I could get into college. I am extremely grateful to Brett for always encouraging me and for his constructive guidance.”
          ~ Abigail


“Brett is one of the few people who supported me throughout high school, and who gave me informational material and moral support, so I could make it into a four-year university straight out of high school. My accomplishment to get to a 4 year university would not have been possible without Brett pushing me to strive for my personal best.”

          ~ Cinthia


 “I have known Brett Kier for around seven years now. With Brett’s help, I have learned so many things, not only about myself but also about the various opportunities available to me. I owe a lot of my personal growth and academic development to Brett. He has helped not only me but also many others through the college application process. Even after graduation, Brett is always eager to help whenever I have a question or just to catch up. Both my parents knew very little about college and having Brett around to answer any questions I had was a huge relief. Brett is and was an amazing mentor. I owe a lot of my growth as a person to Brett and everything he taught me. He is a determined and driven individual. He was able to get through to a few resistant adolescents and because he did, all of us went off to college.”

          ~ Diana M.


“When I joined NYA during my sophomore year of high school, Brett became a mentor to me. For the next two years in high school, I had a mentor who challenged me to grow and become the best version of myself. I learned immensely through the very well organized workshops, and presentations prepared by Brett. His teaching style kept me engaged and made it very easy for me to learn. Besides sharing his extensive knowledge with me, Brett helped build my organization, time management, public speaking, and critical thinking skills, to name a few. Furthermore, when I applied to colleges, Brett greatly supported me.  He helped me understand the application process, but more importantly, for two years, he helped mold me into a competitive applicant. With his help, I was accepted to over 10 universities. Ultimately, I chose to go to UCLA because of the pre-med opportunities on campus. Brett has not only been a great teacher of mine, he has also been a great mentor.”

          ~ Elizabeth


“Brett I. Kier was one of the best mentors I ever had. Brett is a no-nonsense teacher, and tells you exactly how it is. He will call you out if he notices you slacking, and make sure you’re achieving your personal best. His tough yet calming presence does not throw you off, and in fact makes it easier for you to build a friendship with him. He is someone who will truly always be there for you, and will listen to you. He is the best mentor I have ever had, and an even better teacher.”
          ~ Fabrizio


“During my early adolescence I was considered to be a troublemaker, and respecting authority was quite difficult for me. However with Mr. Kier it was different.  I never felt the need or desire to rebel against him. On the contrary, I have a lot of respect for him. I was able to adapt to him quickly and identify with him. While at NYA Mr. Kier was my supervisor and instructor. We had weekly meetings to attend, and journals to turn in. During the meetings Mr. Kier helped us improve our English skills, taught us about nutrition, helped us with our college application process, and gave us resources to grow intellectually. I have had much success in college with my English courses, and I credit a lot of it to Mr. Kier. In conclusion, Mr. Kier was and continues to be a huge support. I have learned many things from him, many that I will never forget.  I believe what makes him so impactful is his intelligence and genuineness.”

          ~ Fanny


“Mr. Kier pushed and encouraged me to break out of my comfort zone and become the leader I am today. Not only did he help me channel my energy in high school, but now that I am in college he continues to offer me advice.”

          ~ Jesus


“He went above and beyond in helping me achieve my goals in high school. He motivated me everyday to try my best and to never give up. He would take time out of his personal schedule to help any of his students. He inspired many of his students to never give up on their goals and to seek his help for anything. He went as far as teaching me life skills like how to get a job, and how to dress properly for an interview. All his techniques not only helped me through high school, but in my first year in college as well. I am glad I had such an amazing person guide me through my college process. I never thought I would go to college until Brett made me believe that it was possible no matter what. I have not met someone so passionate about helping others than Brett.”

          ~ Lourdes


“Brett has always helped me whenever I needed it. When my father was wrongfully terminated from his job, Brett helped by providing assistance and went to great lengths to find my dad a job. In addition, Brett has provided me with resources to succeed with my academics in the California Polytechnic University of Pomona. Brett has always been someone who will take time away from his schedule to help people.”

          ~ Saul


 “The first time I met Brett Kier was when I was thinking of applying for the Youth Leadership Academy. Being my first job opportunity I was very nervous to meet my possible future supervisor but that feeling soon went away. He quickly gained my respect and became a huge impact on my life. Whether it was helping me with my writing skills, college planning, or anything else, he was always available and approachable. He led our weekly meetings, where I admired how organized he was with everything going on. He soon became my mentor, and not just to me but to everyone in the Academy.”

          ~ Viridiana

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