Foreign Affairs (The Council on Foreign Relations)
Foreign Affairs-July 2024-Does America Need a New Foreign Policy?
Foreign Affairs-September 2023-The Desperation of the Dictators
Foreign Affairs-March 2023-Innovation Power: How Technology Will Reshape Geopolitics
Foreign Affairs-February 2023-Ukraine A Year of War (article compilation)
Foreign Affairs-November 2022-The World According to Xi Jinping
Foreign Affairs-March 2022-The Middle East Moves On: In Search of a Post-American Order
Foreign Affairs-January 2022-Digital Disorder: War and Peace in the Cyber Age
Foreign Affairs-November 2021-The Divided World: America's Cold Wars
Foreign Affairs-May 2021-Trade Wars: The Fight Over the Global Economy's Future
Foreign Affairs-March 2021-Decline And Fall: Can American Ever Lead Again?
Foreign Affairs-November 2020-What Are We Missing? Predicting the Next Crisis
Foreign Affairs-July 2019-What Happened To The American Century?
Foreign Affairs March 2018-Letting Go: Trump, America, and the World
Foreign Affairs January 2018-The Undead Past: How Nations Confront the Evils of History
Foreign Affairs January 2017-Out of Order? The Future of the International System
Foreign Affairs July 2015-Hi, Robot: Work and Life in the Age of Automation
Foreign Affairs November 2014-What Have We Learned? Lessons From Afghanistan & Iraq
Foreign Affairs July 2014-What Really Happened? Solving the Cold War's Cold Cases
Foreign Affairs May 2014-Big Fracking Deal: Shale and the Future of Energy
Foreign Affairs January 2014-Where to Bet Now: Six Markets to Watch
Foreign Affairs September 2013-Who Is Khamenei? The Mind of Iran's Supreme Leader
Foreign Affairs July 2013-Death From Above: Are Drones Worth It?
Foreign Affairs March 2011-The Tea Party and American Foreign Policy
Foreign Affairs January 2010-The Political Power of Social Media
Academic Literature
Review Instructions:
Choose one of the articles from the journals listed here. Journal choice must be approved prior to beginning the assignment.
Follow the directions on the Academic Literature Review document (Foreign Affairs journals only).
Current History: A Journal of Contemporary World Affairs